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Light a Candle
Parish Council Meeting
Monday February 3rd @ 7:30PM
Hellenic Hall
Parishioners are welcomed to attend.
Enosis - Philoptochos
Our next meeting will be on
Sunday, March 16th, following liturgy
We meet in the lower level of the church.
Please join us!
We are collecting dues for 2024-2025. Checks for $35.00 may be made out to
Enosis-Philoptochos Ladies Society
and mailed to:
Enosis-Philoptochos Ladies Society
Sts. Anargyroi Greek Orthodox Church
P.O. Box 381
Marlborough, MA 01752
Want to know what is happening on a National level?
Click below
Diocese & Archdiocese News
Here are some things going on in the near future with the Orthodox church, local parishes, and worldwide events.
Metropolis of Boston
CONSTRUCTION IS WELL UNDERWAY for the Gymnasium and Field House at our Saint Methodios Faith and Heritage Center–the Home of MBC! Indoor basketball, soccer and much more!!!
Greek Orthodox Archdiocese of America News and Events
St. Nicholas Greek Orthodox Church and National Shrine
at the World Trade Center
130 Liberty Street
New York, NY 10006
Click above for more information