Welcome to The Youth Connection! 

This webpage is a place to access interesting, educational, and informative resources especially for the youth of Sts. Anargyroi.  Take time to check out all the links and learn about the great offerings of the Orthodox world online.  There are games, videos, newsletters, and daily readings as well as a place to share your own thoughts!


MBC sign-up and information HERE.


Religious Education Classes

The Sunday School year will run through June 8, 2025.
(We will not meet on the following weekends: Thanksgiving, Christmas, Palm Sunday, Easter and Memorial Day)

Upcoming Schedule:


Oratorical Festival (Grades 3 - 12)
Sunday School (Grades PreK - 2)

3/30/2025 Sunday School
4/6/2025 Sunday School
4/13/2025 No Sunday School - Palm Sunday
4/20/2025 No Sunday School - Pascha
4/27/2025 Sunday School


Here is a glimpse at the curriculum for this year:

PreK-Grade 2:  A Lot About Jesus

Grades 3-5:  Parables and The Sacraments

Grades 6-8:  The Creed, Problem Solving in the World & The Sacraments

Grades 9-12:  Modern Day Saints, Church Visits & Book Club 
(Icon: A Novel by Georgia Briggs)


We look forward to seeing you all soon!

Presvytera Eleni & Jennifer




Welcome Back To Greek School!

We look forward to learning and growing together, no matter where you are in your Greek language learning journey.  Our next academic year will be exciting, and we encourage you to learn with us.  We look forward to welcoming you, the new and the returning class.

Greek School will begin again in the fall.  


Our Greek School program is made possible through the great dedication and efforts of our teacher volunteers.

For further information please contact

Veronica Moe at



Learning Greek is so much fun! 

Click     to watch and listen

Click below to enlarge & print

Learn the Greek National Anthem

Click on the flag below to view & print the words

  Click     to listen to the Anthem.

Learn the Greek Alphabet

(click below to view and print pages)




Religious Education Classes:

For more information please contact:

Presbytera Eleni or Jennifer at:


Below are some resources that can be used at home:

Be the Bee videos

Tending the Garden of Our Hearts are podcasts for children and families.

Raising Saints is a terrific audio resource for parents and teachers.

Use these for self-enrichment.


Classes are held:

6:00PM to 7:30PM on Fridays


For further information please contact

Veronica Moe at


Youth Director

Nicole Toppses


Youth Groups

HOPE:  (Ages 5-7)

JOY:  (Ages 7-11)

GOYA:  (Grades 7-12)


Metropolis of Boston Camp

MBC’s mission is to gather Orthodox Christian youth (ages 8-18) from the Metropolis and beyond to be a part of an unforgettable experience. Campers strengthen their faith and establish relationships based on the camp pillars: Trust, Honesty, Respect, Forgiveness, Openness, and Love.


Pop Culture Coffee Hour Podcast




Children's Bible Reader




Online Chapel

Read today's prescribed Epistle and Gospel passages 
and learn about the saints commemorated by the Church on this day